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About us

Communitas <kuh-myoo-ni-tahs>

[a community which forms around costly, challenging, adventuresome mission: in our case, following Jesus.]



Our mission:


<We are a vibrant NYC community of faith centered on the person and teachings of Jesus.>


We believe that the "church" was instituted by Jesus to carry on his work after his death, resurrection and ascension.  But we also believe that the church is so much more than what happens for a couple of hours on Sundays. Our heart beats to the tune of Matthew 25 "I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!" We deeply care for the homeless, the hurting, the marginalized, and the disconnected. While we believe that corporate gatherings on Sundays serve a valuable purpose, they are not principally what the church is about or how it accomplishes its mission. We welcome all to join us Sundays, and we hope you will explore the other expressions of the church. We invite you to be the hands and feet of Jesus right here in New York City.



Our values:


<Love God and Others>

We choose to follow Jesus, allowing him to be Lord over every aspect of our lives. In response to his extravagant love for us, our lives manifest and become conduits of his love toward others.


<live in authentic community>

We choose to lock arms in authentic community as a self-sacrificial community formed around our common mission to bring Jesus, through our actions and our words, to the society in which we live. It is "me for the community" rather than "the community for me."


<live openhandedly with our lives>

We choose to live incarnationally, bringing "the church" to our community. We release our time, gifts and money to expand Jesus Kingdom on earth. We strive to "be the church".

our pastors:
Chris Mayes
Craig Mayes

Communitas <kuh-myoo-ni-tahs>

[a community which forms around costly, challenging, adventuresome mission: in our case, following Jesus.]



Our mission:


<We are a vibrant NYC community of faith centered on the person and teachings of Jesus.>


We believe that the "church" was instituted by Jesus to carry on his work after his death, resurrection and ascension.  But we also believe that the church is so much more than what happens for a couple of hours on Sundays. Our heart beats to the tune of Matthew 25 "I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!" We deeply care for the homeless, the hurting, the marginalized, and the disconnected. While we believe that corporate gatherings on Sundays serve a valuable purpose, they are not principally what the church is about or how it accomplishes its mission. We welcome all to join us Sundays, and we hope you will explore the other expressions of the church. We invite you to be the hands and feet of Jesus right here in New York City.



Our values:


<Love God and Others>

We choose to follow Jesus, allowing him to be Lord over every aspect of our lives. In response to his extravagant love for us, our lives manifest and become conduits of his love toward others.


<live in authentic community>

We choose to lock arms in authentic community as a self-sacrificial community formed around our common mission to bring Jesus, through our actions and our words, to the society in which we live. It is "me for the community" rather than "the community for me."


<live openhandedly with our lives>

We choose to live incarnationally, bringing "the church" to our community. We release our time, gifts and money to expand Jesus Kingdom on earth. We strive to "be the church".

our pastors:
Chris Mayes
Craig Mayes
Chris King

Worship Leader

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